It all starts with you!

Some will criticise you or judge for what you do or do not do...
Some will love you while some will hate you...  
Some will praise you, while others degrade you...
But life's too short to live a lie or lie to yourself.
There are TOO many people striving to be accepted instead of finding comfort in being authentic.
TOO many people living in sadness without the courage or strength to stand up and create their own happiness.

Do you think the people we view as 'successful' spend their hours and days worrying about what others would think or say before they do something? HELL NO! As Bill Cosby said "I don't know the secret to success... but the secret to failure, is trying to please everyone."

Be YOU! 
Embrace the person you are and have the confidence and determination to become the person you want to be... 
Strive to make your life and the life of those around you better...
Speak prosperity instead of problems and worries...
Start re-building bridges instead of burning them...
Make time for those who bring you up while cutting out those who bring you down...
Travel the world, enjoy each moment, make mistakes, and NEVER be afraid to fail!

I don't care if I will be judged or criticised for writing this, because if it helps even one person make today the start of their new life, that matters more to me than censoring myself to make someone like me. Thats me being authentic and taking a stand to say what I believe needs to be said.

Life's meant to be lived and EVERYONE deserves to know they have the RIGHT to LIVE the LIFE they feel they deserve and be treated how they feel they deserve be to be treated... because the reality, is it all starts and ends with you! 

(Photo sourced from Motivational Wallpapers; url:


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